Saturday, November 7, 2009

Basic Information of E-Learning

By Azys Syaiful Anwar
Nowadays, technology takes the important role in every single activity, such as education. The fast growing of computer technology supports the progress of education field. The use of CALL for example became more significance since the emerging of E-Learning. It can be defined as distance learning that maximize the advantage of computer technology, computer networks or the Internet.
E-Learning allows learners to learn through computers without having to physically attending lectures in the classroom. E-Learning is also known as a form of web-based learning that can be accessed from the intranet or Internet. It usually managed by universities or others related institution. This learning method has been improved and created to make learner easier in accessing the lesson.
Since E learning considered as distance learning, it allows the course attendances to set up their learning study as their convenience. Then, it will be very helpful for them having tight business. The course can be conveyed either through internet, or offline media, such as ebook, video, etc.
Regarding to the method, E-learning can be set as formal or informal study. Learning informally using syllabus, curriculum and proper instructor with the scheduled meeting may be considered as the formal way. Meanwhile, learner can also have informal learning by joining forum, mailing list, reading tutorial or even ‘blogwalking’ (he…he..he..)
That’s all my opinion about E-learning. However, if you need further information about E-learning you can start to read some articles from a website or other resources. E-learning can happen in any time, and any where as long as you have higher learning desire.

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